Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Venir

Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Venir Below is the conjugation of venir, which usually means to come. Like many other common Spanish verbs, venir is highly irregular. The stem of ven- sometimes changes to vin- when stressed, and a -d- or -g- is added to some endings. The only other verbs using the same conjugation pattern are those ending in -venir such as intervenir (often meaning to intervene or to take part) and prevenir (often meaning to prevent or to warn). In the charts below, irregular forms are in boldface. Conjugations of Basic Forms of Venir Infinitive (infinitivo): venir (to come) Gerund (gerundio): viniendo (coming) Participle (participio): venido (come) Conjugations of Simple Forms of Venir Present indicative (presente del indicativo): yo vengo, tà º vienes, usted/à ©l/ella viene, nosotros/as venimos, vosotros/as venà ­s, ustedes/ellos/ellas vienen (I come, you come, she comes, etc.) Preterite (pretà ©rito): yo vine, tà º viniste, usted/à ©l/ella vino, nosotros/as vinimos, vosotros/as vinisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas vinieron (I came, you came, he came, etc.) Imperfect indicative (imperfecto del indicativo): yo venà ­a, tà º venà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella venà ­a, nosotros/as venà ­amos, vosotros/as venà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas venà ­an (I used to come, you used to come, she used to come, etc.) Future (futuro): yo vendrà ©, tà º vendrs, usted/à ©l/ella vendr, nosotros/as vendremos, vosotros/as vendrà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas vendrn (I will come, you will come, he will come, etc.) Conditional (futuro hipotà ©tico): yo vendrà ­a, tà º vendrà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella vendrà ­a, nosotros/as vendrà ­amos, vosotros/as vendrà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas vendrà ­an (I would come, you would come, she would come, etc.) Present subjunctive (presente del subjuntivo): que yo venga, que tà º vengas, que usted/à ©l/ella venga, que nosotros/as vengamos, que vosotros/as vengis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas vengan (that I come, that you come, that she come, etc.) Imperfect subjunctive (imperfecto del subjuntivo): que yo viniera (viniese), que tà º vinieras (vinieses), que usted/à ©l/ella viniera (viniese), que nosotros/as vinià ©ramos (vinià ©semos), que vosotros/as vinierais (vinieseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas vinieran (viniesen) (that I came, that you came, that he came, etc.) Imperative (imperativo): ven (tà º), no vengas (tà º), venga (usted), vengamos (nosotros/as), venid (vosotros/as), no vengis (vosotros/as), vengan (ustedes) (come, dont come, etc.) Conjugations of Compound Forms of Venir The perfect tenses of venir consist of the appropriate conjugation of haber and the past participle, venido. The progressive or continuous tenses of venir consist of the appropriate conjugation of estar and the present participle or gerund, viniendo. Sample Sentences Using Venir and Related Verbs El futuro va a venir cargado de pruebas difà ­ciles. (The future is going to come loaded with difficult challenges.) Mi novia viene a verme. (My girlfriend is coming to see me.) El estudio dice que todos provenimos de un varà ³n que vivià ³ en frica hace unos 60.000 aà ±os. (The study says we all come from a man who lived in Africa some 60,000 years ago.) Muchos padres estaban viniendo a bautizar sus hijos y no eran miembros de la iglesia. (Many parents were coming to baptize their children and werent members of the church.) La sociedad ha promulgado leyes, y si las contravengo me meten en la crcel. (Society has enacted laws, and if I violate them they are putting me in jail.) He venido a buscarte.  (She has come to look for you.) Estaban viniendo porque querà ­an aprender ms. (They are coming because they wanted to learn more.) Es muy importante que yo venga a la ciudad. (It is very important that I come to the city.) Los narcotraficantes intervinieron en la venta del bosque.  (The drug traffickers participated in the sale of the forest.) Desde antes de nacer  ¿sabà ­amos que vendrà ­amos a la Tierra?  (Before being born, did we know we would come to Earth?) Exigen que las autoridades intervengan en el caso. (They are demanding that the authorities intervene in the case.) Con mi familia decidimos que nadie viniera.  (With my family we decided that nobody would come.) Los analistas prevenà ­an una lucha encarnizada entre Google y Microsoft. (Analysts expected a vicious fight between Microsoft and Google.) Espero que mis amigos vengan y me visiten. (I hope my friends come and visit me.) Key Takeaways The conjugation of venir is highly irregular with irregular forms found in all moods and in all tenses other than the imperfect and those using the past participle.The only other verbs conjugated in the same way are those ending in -venir.

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